Connections - Ongoing 5Rhythms group with Ron Hagendoorn NL/OL

Organizator: 5Rhythms RO
Tip eveniment: seminar
Data: 19-10-2019 11:00
Durata: 1 zi si 5 ore
Locatie: Good Mood Dance Studio
Connections - Ongoing 5Rhythms group with Ron Hagendoorn NL/OL

“Uneori, sa faci un efort de ajunge la cineva si de a-i lua mana este inceputul unei calatorii”. Vera Nazarian

Relatiile noastre sunt baza existentei noastre. Relatiile implinitoare aduc sens in viata noastra si ne deschid inimile. Conexiuni este o trilogie 5Ritmuri despre relatii. In cele trei ateliere de weekend vom explora relatiile noastre cu ajutorul puterii vindecatoare a miscarii si dansului. In fiecare atelier atentia se va muta de la relatia cu noi insine (in Modulul 1), la relatia cu o alta persoana (in Modulul 2) si la relatia ca parte dintr-un grup (in Modulul 3).

In cadrul fiecarui atelier vom lucra cu dansul, miscarea si cu exercitii simple care sa ne sprijine in acest proces. Curajul, iertarea, intimitatea, generozitatea si serviciul adus celorlalti sunt temele pe care le vom explora.

Puterea eliberatoare a celor 5Ritmuri ne ajuta sa distingem intre ceea ce este si ceea ce nu este real. Devenim mai onesti cu noi insine si invatam sa avem incredere in intelepciunea corpului nostru.

Participarea este posibila doar pentru toate atelierele. Nu este nevoie de experienta anterioara cu cele 5Ritmuri.

Ron Hagendoorn danseaza de peste 25 de ani, dintre care 17 ani de practica 5Ritmuri®. Angajamentul sau fata de 5Ritmuri creste pe masura ce descopera intreaga sfera de actiune a acestei meditatii prin miscare. 5Ritmuri ofera un spatiu atat confortului cat si lipsei de confort, ceea ce o face cea mai cuprinzatoare forma de dans pe care a intalnit-o.

Ron a fost format in 2007 de catre Gabrielle Roth (nivelul Valuri) si in 2018 de catre Jonathan Horan (nivelul Heartbeat). Stilul lui de predare este clar, echilibrat, cu apreciere fata de misterul vietii umane. Ron este de asemenea terapeut certificat in vindecarea traumelor (Somatic Experiencing®). Locuieste in Olanda si preda la nivel international.

Atelierul este ghidat in limba engleza. Daca aveti nevoie de traducere, contactati organizatoarea.

Cele trei ateliere acumuleaza 6 zile (nivel Valuri) pentru cei care vor sa se certifice ca si profesori 5Rhythms®.

Modulul 1: 19-20 octombrie 2019
Modulul 2: 30 noiembrie - 1 decembrie 2019
Modulul 3: 18 - 19 ianuarie 2020

Sambata: 12:00 – 19:00
Duminica: 11:00 – 17:00

Preturi pentru toate cele 3 ateliere:
€270 pana pe 15 iulie - very early bird
€300 pana pe 20 septembrie - early bird
€360 dupa 20 septembrie
Participarea partiala nu este posibila.
Plata poate fi facuta in doua rate (pana pe 15 octombrie).

Reduceri de grup sunt de asemenea disponibile:
- pentru 2 persoane care platesc impreuna = 10% discount
- pentru 3+ persoane care platesc impreuna = 15% discount

Locatie: Good Mood Dance Studio, Str. Hagi Moscu Maria nr 5, Bucuresti

+40.724 312 825


“Sometimes, reaching out and taking someone's hand is the beginning of a journey.” Vera Nazarian

Our relationships are the basis of our existence. Fulfilling relationships bring meaning to our lives and open our hearts. Connections is a 5Rhythms trilogy about relationships. In three weekend workshops we explore our relationships through the healing power of movement and dance. For each weekend the focus of the relationship shifts from ourselves (in Module 1), to the relationship with someone else (in Module 2) to the relationship as part of a group (in Module 3).

In each workshop we work with dance, movement and simple supportive exercises. Courage, forgiveness, intimacy, generosity and service are topics that we will explore.

The liberating power of 5Rhythms helps us to see the difference between real and unreal. We become honest with ourselves and learn to trust the wisdom of our body.

Participation is possible only for all three weekends. No previous experience in 5Rhythms is needed.

Ron Hagendoorn has been dancing for over 25 years, including 17 years of 5Rhythms® practice. His commitment to the 5Rhythms grows as he discovers the full scope of this movement meditation. 5Rhythms has space for comfort and discomfort, which makes it the most comprehensive dance form he came across.

Ron was trained in 2007 by Gabrielle Roth (Waves) and in 2018 by Jonathan Horan (Heartbeat). His teaching style is clear, well balanced and with an appreciation of the mystery of human life. Ron is also a Somatic Experiencing® therapist. He lives in the Netherlands and teaches internationally.

The three workshops count as 6 days (Waves level) towards professional 5Rhythms teachertraining.

Module 1 = 19-20 October 2019
Module 2 = 30 November - 1 December 2019
Module 3 = 18 - 19 January 2020

Daily Schedule:
Saturday: from 12:00 to 19:00
Sunday: from 11:00 to 17:00

Prices for all three workshops together:
€270 by July 15th - very early bird
€300 by September 20th - early bird
€360 afterwards

Partial participation is not possible.

Payment in 2 installments is available (full payment by October 15th).

Group discounts also available:
For 2 people paying together: 10% discount
For 3+ people paying together: 15% discount

Location: Good Mood Dance Studio, Str. Hagi Moscu Maria nr 5, Bucharest

+40.724 312 825
Notificari evenimente

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