Dance by the Sea, with Ron Hagendoorn, Constanta County

Organizator: 5Rhythms RO
Tip eveniment: seminar
Data: 22-08-2019 12:00
Durata: 3 zile si 1 ora
Locatie: Constanta
Dance by the Sea, with Ron Hagendoorn, Constanta County

Despre atelier:
Acest atelier de vara este un interval de timp perfect pentru a te relaxa si a-ti incarca bateriile. Inspiratia noastra va fi meditatia prin miscare care este 5Ritmuri. Marea si soarele te asteapta sa te invaluie in caldura si liniste.

Ritmul programului este adaptat la vara. Va fi suficient timp sa explorezi natura frumoasa din jur. Probabil vom fi un grup international, deci fi pregatit sa iti faci noi prieteni. Limbajul corpului nostru ne conecteaza dincolo de granite; limba vorbita va fi engleza.

Vom folosi harta celor 5Ritmuri®. O practica dinamica a miscarii, care elibereaza corpul, inima, mintea si sufletul. Vom dansa la 2 km de mare. Vom descoperi modul in care cele 5Ritmuri ne conecteaza cu noi insine, cu natura si unii cu ceilalti. In plus, va fi suficient timp pentru a ne intocmi propriul program in timpul liber.

Despre 5Ritmuri:
5Ritmuri este o metoda simpla pentru meditatie prin miscare. Fiecare dintre cele 5 ritmuri intruchipeaza o calitate care ne sprijina in viata de zi cu zi. Cele 5 ritmuri sunt curgere, staccato, haos, liric si linistire.

Despre profesor:
Ron Hagendoorn danseaza de peste 25 de ani, dintre care 17 ani de practica 5Ritmuri®. Angajamentul sau fata de 5Ritmuri creste pe masura ce descopera intreaga sfera de actiune a acestei meditatii prin miscare. 5Ritmuri ofera un spatiu atat confortului cat si lipsei de confort, ceea ce o face cea mai cuprinzatoare forma de dans pe care a intalnit-o.

Ron a fost format in 2007 de catre Gabrielle Roth (nivelul Valuri) si in 2018 de catre Jonathan Horan (nivelul Heartbeat). Stilul lui de predare este clar, echilibrat, cu apreciere fata de misterul vietii umane. Ron locuieste in Olanda si preda la nivel international. Cititi mai multe informatii despre 5Ritmuri si Ron?

Limba in care se va desfasura atelierul:
Atelierul este ghidat in limba engleza. Daca aveti nevoie de traducere, contactati organizatoarea.

Atelierul acumuleaza 3 zile (nivel Valuri) pentru cei care vor sa se certifice ca si profesori 5Rhythms®.

(fotografia este semnata Mourad Saadi.)

De joi 22 august de la ora 13:00, pana duminica 25 august, la ora 14:00

Rezidential: Merigar East, statiunea 23 August, Constanta.
- cu locuri limitate in cladirea centrului; in camera cu 4-6 paturi;
- intr-un cort pe care este nevoie sa il aduceti cu voi
Donatie pentru cazare la centru: 5 Euro pe noapte, de persoana, pentru ambele optiuni (in cladire sau cu cortul)
Alternativ, va puteti gasi propria cazare in zona, insa pentru dinamica grupului este preferabil sa stati la locatie.

Sunt aproximativ 2 km de la drumul principal pana la locatie si de la locatie pana la mare, deci este util sa veniti cu masina. In caz contrar, vom comunica intre noi inainte de atelier pentru a ne grupa pe masini.

Pretul pentru atelier, (fara cazare si masa):
160 Euro pentru plata pana pe 30 iulie
185 Euro pentru plata dupa pe 30 iulie

In plus, se aplica reduceri pentru grupuri (2+ persoane care se inscriu impreuna).

Reduceri pret atelier:
- pentru 2 persoane care platesc impreuna = 10% discount
- pentru 3+ persoane care platesc impreuna = 15% discount

Inscrieri si informatii:,
+40.724 312 825


About the workshop:
This summer workshop is a perfect time to relax and recharge yourself. The 5Rhythms movement meditation is our inspiration. The sea and sun are waiting for you to envelop you in warmth and tranquility.

The rhythm and pace of the program is adjusted to the summer. There is enough free time to explore the beautiful nature. We will likely be an international group of people, so be ready to make new friends. Our body language connects us beyond borders, our spoken language is English.

We use the 5Rhythms Waves® map. A dynamic movement practice that liberates body, heart, mind and soul. We stay in a beautiful accommodation 2 km from the sea. We discover how 5Rhythms connects with ourselves, nature and with each other. In addition, there is enough free time to draw up your own plan.

About 5Rhythms:
5Rhythms is a simple method for meditation by movement. Each of the five rhythms embodies a quality that supports us in daily life. The Rhythms are flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical and stillness.

About the teacher:
Ron Hagendoorn has been dancing for over 25 years, including 17 years of 5Rhythms® practice. His commitment to the 5Rhythms grows as he discovers the full scope of this movement meditation. 5Rhythms has space for comfort and discomfort, which makes it the most comprehensive dance form he came across.

Ron was trained in 2007 by Gabrielle Roth (Waves) and in 2018 by Jonathan Horan (Heartbeat). His teaching style is clear, well balanced and with an appreciation of the mystery of human life. Ron lives in the Netherlands and teaches internationally. Read more about Ron and 5Rhythms?

This workshop counts as 3 days Waves practice towards professional 5Rhythms teacher training.

(Photo by Mourad Saadi.)

From Thursday 22 August 13:00
until Sunday 25 August 14:00

Residential: Merigar East, 23 August resort, Constanta.
- with limited places in the center's building, please note there are several beds in a room (4-6)
- or in a tent that you need to bring (more places).
Accommodation donation: 5 Euro per night, either option (in the building or with the tent)
Finding your own accommodation in the area is also an option, yet we advise you to stay at the location.

There are about 2 km from the main road to the dance location and from location to the sea, so it may be useful to have a car. If not, we will communicate before the workshop for sharing the ride.

Price for the workshop, (without accommodation or food):
160 Euro for payment by July 30th
185 Euro for payment after July 30th

Group discount available, if paying together:
- For 2 people paying together: 10% discount
- For 3+ people paying together: 15% discount

Bookings & information:,
+40 724 312 825 or
Notificari evenimente

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