Master Plan - Program Sesiuni Individuale

Organizator: Bodhi Sarango
Tip eveniment: seminar
Data: 29-04-2019 10:00
Durata: 5 zile
Locatie: Bucuresti
Master Plan - Program Sesiuni Individuale
- For English scroll down -

#BodhiSarango ofera un Program integrat de Sesiuni individuale care iti Transforma Viata rapid si balansat.
Bodhi a sintetizat si fuzionat cele mai avansate metode moderne de transformare umana intr-un NOU SISTEM ce abordeaza esential Neurostiinta, Medicina,Terapia, Psihologia si Meditatia !
Fiecare sesiune va fi un salt calitativ in care vom explora:
- Vindecarea Karmica – Timeline Trauma Release System
- Biodinamica Qigong, Presopunctura si Resetarea Celulara
- Inteligenta Somatica si balansarea IQ si EQ
- Hipnoza Regresiva: eliminarea de blocaje subtile din viata actuala si vieti anteroare. Asimilarea lectiilor karmice.
- Arta Relatiilor: resetarea polaritatiolor femeie/barbat si crearea/atragerea de Suflete pereche, secrete din Tantra si Tao
- Zen Coaching: Talente karmice si activarea Vocatiei
- Medicina si Nutritie Constienta

“Diferenta este urmatoarea: eu tratez omul holistic, total si iau in considerare toate planurile implicate: cel fizic, energetic, emotional, mental, genetic si karmic. Ma focalizez la radacinile – cauzele problemelor, a traumelor, a bolilor iar implicarea mea este in toate straturile inconstientului, constientului si supra-constientului uman.

Am o abordare individuala bazata pe unicitatea fiecaruia si metodele mele sunt de fuziune si de sinteza. Programul e stucturat sa aiba 5 sesiuni de baza in care ajut omul sa faca salturi esentiale pentru a iesi din problemele, blocajele, traumele pe care le are, sa-si schimbe vibratia profund, sa creasca calitatea realationala si sa isi activeze practic potentialul si Vocatia, bucurandu-se de viata la maximum.”
Bodhi Sarango

“Fiecare persoana vine in aceasta lume cu un destin propriu – are ceva de indeplinit, ceva mesaj trebuie transmis, ceva munca trebuie sa fie dusa la sfarsit. Nu esti aici accidental – esti aici intentionat. Exista un rost in spatele tau. Intregul intentioneaza sa faca ceva prin tine…” Osho

Despre Bodhi :



Adresa: Bucuresti, Politehnica Cotroceni Residence, Bl. Iuliu Maniu nr.6E, scara 1, et.9, ap.100

Pret promotonal : Consultatii de 1 ora / Sesiuni de 2 ore / Program 5 Sesiuni de 2 ore

Acum si prin Skype / FB Video !

Detalii si inscrieri (Tel/Whatsup): +40 723331230 (Daniela);

In english :

WHAT MAKES MY APPROACH UNIQUE: I treat every participant as a whole, holistically focusing on all areas: the physical, energetic, emotional, mental, genetic and karmic layers; digging to the root of the problem – the reasons for it; the traumas; blockages; illnesses; examining the unconscious, conscious and super-conscious layers of the human psyche.

My approach respects typology and uniqueness of each individual and the methods represent a fusion and synthesis I developed using the most up to date transformation tools, including: Bio Dynamic Breathing, Somatic Movement, Regression and Progression, Trauma Healing, Cellular Reset, Classic Hypnosis, Regressive Hypnosis, Past Live Hypnosis, Pressopuncture, Essence of NLP, Cranio Sacral Massage, Emotional Freedom developments, Osho Active Meditations, Human Potential activation, Awareness and Integration of Man/Woman Polarities, Vocational Integration, among other techniques.

You will feel a deep change, new insights and new vibration after the first session but to receive the greatest benefit, this holistic approach requires 4 to 5 build-up sessions or at least 2-3 workshop days. These sessions create strong and effective foundation, designed to quickly uncover the main problem areas, deeply heal traumas, and overcome blockages and creating a loving vibe inside and all around you. From there, you can make great breakthroughs to higher awareness needed to activate and realize step-by-step one’s full potential. Your body, mind and awareness will evolve by this approach well integrated and balanced.

More read here :

For bookings (Tel/Whatsup): +40 723331230 (Daniela);
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