The Gifts of Dance - atelier 5Rhythms Brasov cu Péter Fejér

Organizator: 5Rhythms RO
Tip eveniment: seminar
Data: 11-05-2019 15:00
Durata: 1 zi si 1 ora
Locatie: Scoala Primara Libera Waldorf Sophia
The Gifts of Dance - atelier 5Rhythms Brasov cu Péter Fejér
[Please scroll down for the English version]

"5Ritmuri este o pratica de a merge impreuna cu fluxul. Cand dansam pe oricare dintre ritmuri, nu incercam sa cream cele mai bune miscari, ci practicam continuu actul de a fi vigilenti si prezenti. Ne acordam la starea noastra interioara si, totodata, suntem inspirati de grup, de muzica. In loc sa facem planuri, luam orice ni se ofera si facem rai din ce avem. Din nou si din nou, in fiecare minut, cu fiecare miscare. Noi nu ne cream miscarile, mai degraba le gasim. Ele vin spre noi, ca un lung sir de daruri. Singura noastra misiune este sa ramanem curiosi, sa continuam sa deschidem aceste cadouri, sa le scoatem din „hartia” care le invaluie si sa le admiram.

Practicand, prin dans, primirea lucrurilor bune, veti deveni „receptori experti”, veti observa mai usor oportunitatile care vin spre voi, va fi mai simplu si mai natural pentru voi sa ramaneti treji si curiosi. Va va aduce o bucurie nebanuita!

Va invit sa experimentati a va lasa purtati de fluxul vietii la fel de mult cat practicati planificarea si executarea planurilor voastre. A merge in ritmul curgerii nu inseamna a nu face nimic. Dimpotriva, este un proces foarte activ si constient. Va invita sa fiti prezenti, sa ramaneti atenti, pentru a alege intotdeauna cel mai bun curent pe care sa il urmati, in loc sa fiti aruncati dintr-un loc in altul, la voia intamplarii. A actiona conform planurilor sau a te lasa ghidat de acest flux imi aminteste de doua tipuri de oameni, unul care merge intr-o calatorie cu caiacul, iar celalalt cu barca. Primul iti seteaza obiective, face planuri ca de exemplu: „Voi vasli 3x3 ore in fiecare zi, ma voi odihni intre aceste intervale si voi atinge destinatia in zece zile.” Celalalt isi pregateste barca cat poate de bine, apoi asteapta vantul. Cand nu este vant, se odihneste, cand vantul este prea puternic, se lupta si nu se poate sti cu siguranta cand va ajunge la destinatie. Planurile lui arata cam asa: „Voi face tot posibilul sa ma pregatesc cat mai bine si apoi voi fi vigilent si voi astepta vantul.”

Cu cine?
Péter Fejér este profesor certificat 5Rhthms, din Ungaria

11 mai (sambata), 16:00 - 19:00
12 mai (duminica), 9:30 – 16:30 (cu pauza de masa)

Se poate participa si numai intr-una dintre zile si in intregime.

Scoala Primara Libera Waldorf Sophia, Str. Paltinis Nr 6

Early bird pana pe 27 aprilie
160 RON pentru ambele zile
60 RON pentru participare numai sambata
120 RON pentru participare numai duminica

Dupa 27 aprilie:
200 RON pentru ambele zile
80 RON pentru participare numai sambata
150 RON pentru participare numai duminica

Pentru 2 persoane care platesc impreuna: 10% reducere
Pentru 3+ persoane care platesc impreuna: 15% reducere

Atelierul este ghidat in limba engleza. Daca aveti nevoie de traducere, contactati organizatoarea.

Inscriere si informatii:
0724 312 825


5Rhythms is the practice of going with the flow. When we dance the rhythms we don’t try to create the best movements, instead we continuously practice being vigilant, being present. We tune in to our inner weather and we also receive inspiration from the group, from the music. Instead of making plans we take whatever is given to us and we make the best out of it. Again and again, every minute, every movement. We don’t create our movements, rather we find them. They are coming to us, like a long row of gifts. Our only job is to stay curious, and keep opening these gifts, keep getting them out of their wrapping papers, and admire them.

If you practice receiving good things in the dance, you’ll became an “expert receiver”, you’ll get better in spotting opportunities, you’ll get better in staying awake and curious. It’ll bring you unexpected joy!

I invite you to practice going with the flow as much as you practice planning and executing your plans. And going with the flow is not the same as doing nothing. Going with the flow is a very active and conscious process. It invites us to stay present, to stay alert, so we can always choose the best current to go with, instead of just being tossed around randomly. Going along plans or going with the flow reminds me of two people, one going on a voyage with the kayak, and the other with the sailing boat. The first one sets goals, makes plans, like “I’ll paddle 3×3 hours every day, rest in between and I’ll reach my destination in ten days”. The other prepares its boat as best as he can, and then waits for the wind. When there is no wind, he rests, when the wind is too big, he struggles, and there is no way of telling when he will arrive to the destination. His plans look like this: “I’ll do my best to prepare and then I’ll be vigilant and wait for the wind”.
With whom?
Péter Fejér is a certified 5Rhthms teacher, from Hungary

Saturday May 11th: 16:00 - 19:00
Sunday May 12th: 9:30 – 16:30 (with lunch break)

Free Primary School Waldorf Sophia, Paltinis No. 6 Street


By April 27th:
160 RON for both days
60 RON for Saturday only
120 RON for Sunday only

After April 27th:
200 RON for both days
80 RON for Saturday only
150 RON for Sunday only

For 2 persons who pay together: 10% discount
For 3+ persons who pay together: 15% discount

Sign up and information:
+4 0724 312 825
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